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Transition from primary school to secondary school is a huge milestone in a young person’s life.  For the majority of children this is a really exciting prospect and for some a little less so.  Some of our more vulnerable children may experience a high degree of trauma, loss, and anxiety, which can ultimately lead to school refusal, mental health difficulties and behaviour that puts them at risk of exclusions. In response to this and to support preparation for the next phase of our children’s education, the Primary Inclusion Team have developed this 6 week intervention package to prepare Year 6 for moving on to their new schools.


The intervention includes:

  • Reflection on their primary school experience
  • Sharing worries about high school
  • Exploring good friendships
  • Strategies to cope with challenges
  • Reflections on strengths and resilience
  • Generating positive feelings towards change and the future


Transition Intervention Year 6

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